Happy Thanksgiving
Its been 2 weeks since my last post, and I have thought of tons of things I wanted to write, but at the time I was no where near a computer or just really tired... I think I should get one of those voice recorder things so I can always make a note of what I want to say online!
I have recently dragged one of my friends into hot yoga with me! And two more seem rather interested in joining... seriously... if you haven't tried hot yoga for a couple of weeks you really should give it a go... even if you think you are in good shape you will find out how wrong you are... and if you are in terrible shape you will see how easy it is to improve your body! I went to class three times so far this week. Unfortunately I think it will take more than 1001 days to do a standing bow pose :( But I guess that's why we can make another list when this one is completed! On the up side I was able to do the toe stand pose on my left side for the first time yesterday... I didn't do it perfectly or anything, but I was able to take my hands off the floor for the first time ever! My knee is still too messed up on my right side to be able to have proper posture on the right side, but at least I can balance! And I Tuesday we did some really strange, but awesome poses, they were really hard, but totally rewarding! Of course I was no good at it, but I tried! Like they say at Bikram yoga "If you can, you must, if you can't, try!" Unarguably one of my favorite motivational sayings.
I have met with my weekend students three times so far, and I REALLY like them. Maybe I just really like kids in general, I dunno, but its so refreshing to spend some time with kids again. They are just so cute and sweet and try so hard. Its not easy to learn another language, and they have a hard time understanding me, but they haven't quit yet, which I think is comendable! We did a lot of listening stuff last week. I wish I could see them every day, I think I could really help them if I could see th that often... I think a group of more than 10 kids would be too much... I think the magic number is somewhere between 6 and 9 students. Maybe someday the people of the world will cherish kids appropriatly and give them what they need to thrive... small, supportive classrooms where the kids can take risks and grow to their full potential... but until that time I guess I will stay on damage control and try my best to help where I can... I am so going to end up home schooling my kids! hahah... poor kids!
I really need to get more organized... my office, home and inbox are a mess! I just don't "feel" like being on top of things these days... I just wanna let stuff go where it wants to go, I don't feel like orchestrating all the minor aspects of my day, and because of that things are getting out of control and super messy... sigh, but at least on Tuesday I cooked some food... when I was in America a few weeks ago I picked up some curry powder so I made curried lentils with barley and baked tofu. I really had no idea how the tofu would turn out since I have only recently began experimenting with actually cooking it (I used to just mix it in with stuff raw) but I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome... definitely something I will make again. The barley took twice as long to cook as I anticipated... and I wish I had seasoned it with something, but I don't know what... and the lentils were a complete disaster! They turned into lentil mush since I don't know how to cook them... so it looked like I had green mashed potatoes with my barley and tofu... better luck next time. And I made WAY too much for one person (this food isn't really John's style) so I packed it for little snacks to heat up at work, since my microwave has been broken for months. I took pictures of the food after packing it, bento style!

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