101 things in 1001 days (2011)

101. Take dancing lessons (any kind)
100. Complete 100 push ups program
99. Complete 200 sit ups program
98. Complete 200 squats program
97. Run a 5k
96. Run a 10 k
95. Take vitamins every day
94. Get a real teaching job
93. Finish master's thesis
92. Get my teacher cert again
91. Start investing with kiva again
90. Donate to wber
89. move into my own apart ment
88. Go through all of my boxes and get rid of a lot
87. Visit Carline
86. Visit Kathy
85. Go on two more nerd trips with Lauren
84. Buy an Crucifiend figure
83. Buy a bag that bites
82. Skate 25 laps in under 3 min 45 sec.
81. Take my kitties to the Vet for their yearly check up (3 times)
80. build an awesome cat scratching post/tree house
79. Start practicing my flute again
78. Write in my happy journal at least 3 times a week.
77. Host movie night