Thursday, November 13, 2008

101 Things November Update

Be Healthy

4. Go vegan for one week 10 times (0/10)
** I think this will be impossible to try while I am still living in Korea
3. Stop taking everything so personally
** After reading A New Earth, I am getting much better at this one, I don't know when I will be able to turn it blue though, I don't have a test or a concrete goal in mind for this one
20. Do the 100 push ups program for 6 weeks (1/6)
** I started it a failed, I tried too hard... I am going to try again in about a week or two
21. Run/walk a 5k
** I have to start running to make this happen... I keep thinking about it... I guess thats better than nothing
30. Keep a food diary every day for 1 month, 3 times (0/3)
** I really want to try this, maybe I will start it this weekend
36. Go to yoga 5-6 days a week for one month (4/30)
** I did really well for two weeks and then life got in the way (I got sick) But I am always going to strive for this goal
44. Give up pop (soda) for one month
** I stopped drinking pop last week, so it has been almost two weeks since I have had any, and I have to say I feel A LOT better... its not easy, I always wanna take a sip, lets see how it goes for the rest of the month.
63. Take my vitamins every day
** of course I am still bad at this, but I am better than before, I need to pay someone to remind me to take my drugs!
66. Identify 100 things that make me happy (15/100)
67. Make a list of 50 things I like about myself (10/50)
** These two lists are going slow cause I always forget about them
75. Get all of my cavities and fillings taken care of
** I recently got a new student who is a dentist, she is really nice and I am thinking of asking her to be my dentist
81. Stop picking my skin
** I'm doing really well here, my face looks a lot better now than it did in July before I started this list. I still pick from time to time, but its more controllable now, I try to think very actively about what I am doing and why I am doing it, generally I am able to stop after that.
84. Do a standing bow pose like this and have the confidence to wear something like that when I do it!
** This will take a long time

Charity stuff
2. Try to give blood 4 times a year (when back in USA) (0/6)
** I was sick when I was in the USA this time so I couldn't give... better luck next time
48. Volunteer at least once a month (1/30)
** Just started to volunteer with kids on the weekend... should meet with them 4 times a month
49. Find a place to volunteer to teach needy kids English
**If you read my first post from November you can learn all about this
98. Lend $2,500 with Kiva ($400/$2,500)
** moving along nicely, and the people I donate to are paying me back, so I can reinvest old money, which is nice.

Learn new stuff
24. Read a book in French
** I downloaded The Little Prince in French and I am trying to read it... however, I don't think this will count as the book to read, since I only understand about half of the words... I think I will end up reading 3-4 kids books and one adult before this one will turn blue.
50. Be brave, start playing my flute again. Practice 4 times a week for at least 8 weeks. (0/8)
** I am still using the excuse of not being able to find a teacher
69. Learn to cook 10 new healthy meals that John and I both love (1/10)
** This is going too slow, I need to think about this one more.
93. Have a conversation with someone in a language other than English
** I started Korean lessons again last month, but not this month... I don't know if I want to speak in Korean, French, Japanese or some other language... I cant choose.

Learn how to be a girl
14. Buy 2 new pairs of shoes, that I can wear with skirts/dresses or pants (1/2)
18. Buy a pumice stone and use it every time I shower
** bought it but I dont use it, cause I have a tendency to shower at the yoga place, but I just have to bring it with me...
28. Wear a skirt or dress everyday for two weeks (0/14)
** Its cold out now, so this may have to wait for spring
29. Wash my face twice a day for one month (0/30)
** I started doing this and did really well, but didnt remember it was on my list here, so I will count this month and see if I can make this blue.
32. Work out at least 3 outfits for every clothing item I own
** This is not easy... Im not a fashion person, and I don't really have that many garments... but I still think I should do it.

Do something new
42. Visit 30 new restaurants, write reviews here(2/30)
** seems like we are in a major food rut, we only do the same thing over and over... I guess its difficult since I am a vegetarian, but I have to get more adventerous.
92. Go snow boarding
** Since winter is coming Im starting to think about this one again

Save the planet
58. Vote once a year (0/3)
** Well I failed for 2008, I didn't vote cause I am too lazy, plus absentee votes arent counted unless the race is close, and I knew Obama would win NY... not a good excuse, I know... sorry future
62. Keep a count of every plastic bag I use (57)
** I totally dropped the ball on this one but I started counting again last week... I added a bunch to the total, so hopefully I am near where it should be, but this is no longer an accuate number... I think I might track my plastic bag usage by month... hmmm....
3. Cancel my magazine subscriptions and convert them to online subscriptions (where available)
** I have 2 years left on vegetarian times and they wont transfer it to an onlin subscription, but I am not signing up for any more paper ones. and I will only get online ones from now on.

Finish it!!!
60. Complete at least 3 cross stitch projects (0/3)
** This one really shouldn't be yellow, Im not really working that much on the project... But I really dont want to change it back to black
71. Choose topic and research for Master's thesis
** sigh, this is the most depressing thing on the list...
72. Write outline for Master's thesis
** cry
80. Read ALL of A People's History by Howard Zinn (0/25)
** I drag this book with me everywhere and I never read it... why? Its really good!
100. Write thesis for master's degree (0/10 pages)
** :(
Go Places
7. Visit a museum every other month (0/15)
** no luck here, been too lazy on the weekends
12. Visit two places in Korea not in Seoul (0/2)
** again, I am being too lazy

Organize my life

1. Mail out Christmas cards every year (0/3)
** I am hoping to be successful with this this year... I will start to plan this weekend
5. Organize the files on my computer every 3 months (0/10)
** I havent done this even one time yet... I have to focus on this mroe
34. Keep less than 5 emails in my in-boxes each day. (Im trying!)
** sometimes I do really well here, but often I am not good at all! I never stop thinking about it though
41. Declutter all my possessions twice a year (0/5)
** fall cleaning is coming up
59. Rediscover flylady
** perhaps I will start this when I declutter
73. Do chores on a regular basis
** this is another thing I was doing a good job at until I got sick... I hope to get back into it this weekend

Financial stuff
** The economy sucks so I dont want to think about this much right now

Things I should buy

64. Buy a camera
** I cant choose what to buy... any suggestions?

Personal enrichment

16. Write in my blog everyday for two weeks 5 different times (0/5)
** Im gunna try every other day first... I don't think my life is that interesting that I should do it every day
25. Participate in a international gift exchange
** I should look into this soon, since the season is upon us
27. Write in a Journal every day for a month, three times (0/3)
** This is another that I am going to try every other day first... I just dont think I would have enough to say
99. read 25 books post reviews here (3/25)
** I have a new book to add, and soon I will have another... I am reading a lot lately

List related stuff

31. Write monthly updates of 101 progress (2/33)
40. Read this whole list at least once a week (7[11/13])
101. Make new list April 17, 2011
** I skipped the October update, and Im not so good at the weekly review. Also, I am going to make an overflow list like my mom has, I keep thinking of things I wish I put on here... sometimes it seems like 101 things isnt enough!

How many other people can I get to make a 101 list?
- my mom
** No one else has made one... perhaps I should advertise


Pam said...

Thankfully there are 1001 days ...I know I'll need every one of them for my list!!

Anonymous said...

I started a list but I think I only have like 20 things on it. I am going to work at compiling the list and then start doing the stuff on the first of the year. It will be one of my 2009 New Year's Resolutions!