Sunday, July 27, 2008

Actually, I like to read - 2008 edition

July-December 2008

A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle

I really enjoyed this book. It gave me a lot to think about. I think this is a book that 95-99% of all people would benefit from if they read it... at least two or three times. I don't really understand everything I read, but I am really curious, and I think this book is going to help me grow in a positive direction, but I have to tell you, a lot of the changes I have to make are scary, and you cant understand why unless you read the book... I wouldn't recommend this one for a library book, cause you are going to want to write all over it and re-read it.
(5/5 stars)[November 2008]

Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides

Well, this was the longest book I've read since the lord of the rings. I'm pretty impressed with myself for not giving up on it. I'm sure if your reading this you know me, so you know something about my attention span... Anyway, this was a good read. I think its something people should read if they like history and coming of age stories. The back of the book doesn't really do the book justice. Of course like any long book there are slow parts, but they are very short lived. This is a lively book that goes through almost 80 or 90 years of American history through the eyes of a hermaphrodite. The fact that the main character is a boy and a girl really isn't the important part of the story. Its about family and history repeated self discovery. I highly recommend this book, especially if you want something I'm sure will take more than a weekend to finish (I think it would even take my mom a while to read, and she is real fast!)
(4/5 stars)[September 13, 2008]

The Watchman - Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

I wanted to read this graphic novel because the movie is coming out next year. I have watched the trailer a ton of times, I really like the smashing pumpkins song they use for it, and the part where the owl ship (Archie) comes out of the water... it just looks so good. I started reading the comic at least a year ago and I stopped, I cant remember why... But this time I finished it. It's a really good story about what happens if there really were superheros... not like superman, but like batman, just regular people who fight crime in amazing ways... and how they effect our society... its interesting... I'm not so sure about the ending... and I'm really afraid of what they will make of it when they finish the movie... the guy who did 300 is working on it, so it should at least look good... here's hopin' :)
(5/5 stars)

Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

This wasn't a bad book, it was well written and an interesting story, just not my type of book. I guess if you have no idea what war is like then you should read this book so you can stop supporting wars... I have read more than my fair share of war books (All Quiet on the Western Front, Fallen Angels etc.) so I really have no desire to spend any extra time in that world. Not to mention we have more than enough war in the real world that I don't need to escape to a world of war in my spare time. However, it was a very honest account of some of the terrible things that can happen... though it is a little too "Hollywood" from time to time. It would not be a waste of time to read this book
(3/5 stars) [July 2008]

Books I want to read (15)
Hope's Wish
The Yiddish Policemen's Union
Norwegian Wood
His Majesty's Dragon
A Short History of Nearly Everything
A People's History
Galileo's Daughter
(Still need to buy)
Before the Fallout
(Left these ones in America)
The Time Traveler's Wife
Fahrenheit 451
Lord of the Flies
The Dragonriders of Pern
The Corrections


Pam said...

I like how link to the book ...I'm gonna have to borrow that idea from you :)

Love Mom

Pam said...

I found Night a very good book, all the more so since it was a true story. I always look up to people that are able to overcome negative experiences.

It's a very quick read.

Anonymous said...

I read Night a few years ago and couldn't put it down. It was a very good book!!!