Thursday, July 23, 2009

Roller Derby

So, for the last few months I've been practicing with the Roc City Roller Derby team. I figured now is a good time to reflect on my Derby experience with a mock interview... Its so much easier to just pretend I'm talking to someone that to actually write something!

How did you find out about Roller Derby?
Well, one of my closest friends from high school is the awesome chick who started the team here in Rochester. When I moved back home I got in contact with her because I really wanted to see her skate. She told me to come to a practice and said "Get ready to buy some skates, cause once you see it you're gonna want to join!" Of course, she was right.

What made you want to join roller derby?
I used to do tae kwon do in college and soccer before that... the thing I loved most about soccer was slide tackling people and sending the ball flying... and the thing I LOVED about tae kwon do was kicking someone in the head... I've been doing yoga for the last year, which I love... but, honestly... I miss hitting things... So, I really look forward to learning how to hit chicks in roller derby!

What is roller derby?
It seems that whenever people think of roller derby they think of fixed matches with women on a banked track elbowing each other in the face... Well... This is certainly not your grandmother's roller derby (someone said that this week at practice.) No banked tracks, and you get kicked out of the game if you hit someone in the face (Damn... in tkd we only lost two points for punching someone in the face...) And the matches certainly are not fixed. Its a true sport with lots of hard work and sweat, tons of strategy and it moves FAST.

So, it's been a few months, why have you stuck with roller derby?
I'm not much of a quitter... It hasn't been easy... the girls on this team are really fast and about a million times more stable that I am on skates... So half of the time I feel like a total fool out there, but I'm trying... most of the time I'm trying so hard I fall down left and right! hehe... But I'm pretty lucky cause so far, everyone on the team seems really nice. They give me great advice about how to improve, and they are a lot of fun to hand around with. So, while I do really enjoy the sport and I LOVE working so hard that I sweat the thing I really look forward to on practice night is getting to hang out with some pretty cool people.

And that's all for tonight folks. I honestly figured that once I came back to America I wouldn't have much to blog about online, and today I realised that was total BS.

PS I need to come up with a derby name... if you don't know what that is, look it up... its like a cute/funny/sexy/intimidating nick name that all the women in the sport have... Here are some that people have thought up for me... to give you some ideas:
Roll Model
mAtom Smasher
Cora Destruction
Nuclear Cora
Ruthless Rapunzel
Dead Leigh (Or really anything could go in front of "Leigh")
Anal Mad Dona
Bitch Fortuna
Seoul Crusher
Linnea Kilminster
Ricochet Renee

I guess these are all pretty creative names, I just am terrible at making decisions... Also, you have to pick a name that no one has registered yet... unfortunately my favorite name (Jane Reaction) was already picked... I haven't even checked if any of the above names are taken... but I guess I could as that would limit my choices... Well, if you think of anything let me know :)

1 comment:

Pam said...

I love, love, love Dead Leigh!!

But I'm still pulling for Manda Panda :)