Anyway, I have some pictures I would like to share :)

Above and below you can see two perspectives of what I thought was a really neat way to display those stupid advertisements restaurants always feel compelled to clutter up your table with. I found this bread stand much less irksome than the garden variety metal stand that typically graces the table. It was rock solid though, and part of the back had already chipped away, so not all the papers were held securely... Nonetheless, I liked it.

A giant pink bus.... and its not just a bus, it's also a clothing shop! Amazing! There are hangers all over the inside with dresses and whatnot hanging from them. Its really cute and I have no idea why it is in a bus since it always seems to be in the same place. I assume it has something to do with evading the local gang when the protection money goes unpaid.

Unfortunately I still do not own a real camera... when will I get off my lazy cheapskate butt and buy something with more than half a megapixle? (Actually I have no idea what the resolution of my cellphone camera is, but I know it sucks!) This is a store in the only mall in Seoul. If you click on the image perhaps in the larger version you can read the caption under the name of the store. It reads "BONGZI & Bongzi-in Apgujeong Made by Jesus" .... kekekeke (thats how Korean girls type the kind of laughter they are trying to stifle, something akin to a snicker.)

This is the aftermath of a very delicious lunchdate with four of my chicas (girl power!) hehe. We went to a 보리밥집 and ordered 보리밥. The first word reads "bolibap jeep" and the second is just "bolibap" again. Bolibap means barley, but when you order it at a restaraunt you get everything you see before you... Korean restaraunts rock... and all this for a mere 7,000 won, which, thanks to the sad state of both the dollar and the won translates to $4.70. Amazing, isn't it? I really should have taken a picture before digestion commenced, but just imagine all those dishes spilling over with scrumptious food and you'll get the picture. It was quite yummy. oh and that word "jeep" means house... its just another way to say restaraunt... they have like, 60 different ways to say restaraunt... that may be just a tad of a hyperbole, but I can think of at least three ways to say restaraunt and I don't even speak the language... Korean people love food :)
Oh boy ...I guess my blog is dead!! It's been over a month ...I hope Daddy is wrong!!
Hes only wrong if you start blogging again!
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