Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just a quick update

So, I have been neglecting my blog recently... I haven't got too much to say but...

I finished reading Hope's Wish, it was a sad but fulfilling book, I haven't written a review yet, but I will... I am starting to run out of books! I never thought that would happen... I still have several to go, but at this rate I might actually read everything I own! At least the stuff I own in Korea.

I went to a volunteer dinner party thing for the organization I work with to teach poor kids here in Seoul. It was nice, I met a few other volunteers and the operators of the org. The WHOLE spread was vegetarian, I was so shocked at that. It was at an Italian restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul's foreigner district. The food was decent, but not as good as what my mom makes... She could open a totally kick ass Italian join here and she isn't even Italian!

My right knee cracked!! :) This is a good thing. I hurt my knees several years ago in tae kwon do. It caused me to go through months of PT and I couldn't even use the stairs for weeks... I wasnt supposed to use them for months, but since my classroom was on the 3rd floor... well that wasn't really going to work... But finally my right knee is loosening up... it has been SUPER tight for the last few years, but after almost a year of yoga things are improving. After only 2 months of yoga I had almost no pain in either of my knees, which was a wonderful thing! I figure at this rate my right knee will be completely healed in another year or two!

I am testing a way to make my blog posts show up on Facebook... I don't know how well it will work, or if anyone will even click on them, but if you did then leave a comment :) I am also testing out this cyworld thing that my students use... so far it seems pretty stupid and I like facebook better... but I've only tried one day.

Well, life is pretty dull at the moment, I'm sure I will come up with more soon... and I have a TON of pictures to upload, just too lazy to get around to it!

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