Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where have I been?

Hello 2009. In 10 days Bush will be 'gone' and in 17 days I will be 29. This is a month of new beginnings! At least I hope so :)

I haven't been too terribly busy this month, but I am a little disappointed with myself because I am not doing much about my resolutions. Here they are:
1. Eat Healthier
2. Finish my thesis for grad school

Now, I have contacted my grad school advisor for the first time in MONTHS, but I haven't done much more than that. As for eating healthy I haven't made any changes what so ever. But I am hoping to go to Costco sometime soon, and I can at least get Fiber-1 bars... I don't know if they have oatmeal there, but if they do that would solve my breakfast problem.

I have been eating an eggmcmuffin meal at Mcdonald's 3-5 times a week for the last couple of months... its not good... I'm not getting extremely fat or anything, its a lot of cholesterol though, and I don't like that... Its 570 calories, which isn't terrible, but it doesn't really fill me up most days... and its about 250 mg of cholesterol, which is like 80% of my daily value. About 2 years ago I had my cholesterol checked, and it wasn't good... it wasn't terrible either and I don't have any risk factors (At least I don't think so) and the Dr. told me not to worry... but that was 2 years ago, I was 26... Now I'm turning 29, soon things will change... I have to take better care of myself as I get older, I cant eat as much as I used to... something that I am desperately trying to change... but MAN! I just love eating... I'm not even hungry right now and I cant stop thinking about eating.

I force myself to eat something in the morning cause I am terrified of being hungry in the middle of a class... today I am working 6 hours straight without a break... and actually its longer than that cause I am going to teach my kids after work. so from 10:30 AM to 7PM I will not be able to eat... that's kinda scary to me, so I have to eat something now or else I will be hungry!

I don't know why being hungry worries me so much. I'm convinced that I cant concentrate on am empty stomach and that I get grouchy and moody... I don't want to be that way, so I eat... but I don't really know if being hungry can truly have that effect on me... I mean seriously, I'm an adult... I should be able to resist a little hunger for a few hours... so why can't I?

So, here is my plan:
1. go to Costco
2. buy: fiber1 bars, almonds, oatmeal (I hope) and something else that is healthy and filling that I can use for snacks
3. If I get oatmeal: have two packets of oatmeal in the morn for breakfast and a yogurt (maybe)
4. If I can't get oatmeal: Have a hard boiled egg sans yolk, toast (with butter or margarine??? one slice or two??? Can I find wheat bread???) yogurt and maybe some fruit... this option is less appealing cause it is more work...
5. Plan one at home lunch/dinner a week... probably pasta... and try to do it more than once a week as time goes by.
6. eat almonds and fiber one bars for snacks instead of cookies and waffles... (good luck)

I don't know how well that will work... my schedule only really allows for two meals a day... breakfast and then one during my break... my break starts at 11AM and ends at 5:30PM... so I can eat at 11 and then again at 4:30, which I sometimes do... but those are just too close together... and I have a tendency to eat a dinner style meal for both lunch and dinner... I think that's not so good. So I need a plan for a third meal... I will do what ever for that big lunch at 11. But I need something healthy at 4:30... preferably homemade, and not the same as breakfast... but if I can get oatmeal, then I think I could do the oatmeal breakfast in the morn and the toast and egg white one in the evening... then I also need a bedtime snack... maybe a fiber one bar? Gosh I hope Costco still has those.

Wish me luck! I'm feeling better about this plan that I have before, I've really been fleshing it out lately!

BTW. I finished reading Good Omens and I will add it too my book list soon, but I am already halfway thought Twilight... I have heard the movie is not good, but let me tell you the book is irresistible! I would call it an emotional thriller! I think you should all pick it up! Its great, makes your heart race like when you were in 10th grade trying to sneak a peak at that boy you liked and trying not to get caught by your friends cause you didn't want to get teased by them!!! I hope I'm not the only one with that kind of experience in my past!

Love you all... when is someone gonna come visit me!!!!!!!


Pam said...

Yeah baby!! ...sounds like you have quite a plan. I'll keep my fingers crossed that Costco carries the things you want.

I love you!!

kyl429 said...

if i wasn't so poor i would totally visit you. it's been almost 15 years since i've been there. my mom promised me a trip since my brother and sister has been there a total of 3 times each and i've only been there once (yes, a little bitter about it). i agree with your mother, your plan sounds great. it's the will power that is the hardest part but you've been doing awesome with yoga i know you can do this too! let us know how it goes. love you :)