What did you eat when you were in Japan?
So, in October I went to Japan, and took some pictures (check out John's
facebook for all the other pics... if you
dont know how to do that then ask me at my
facebook or comment) especially of the food.

Above is the first meal John had in Japan, it was two little steak
pieces and some potatoes and
broccoli, he said it was really good. We also got a side of french fries with it.

I ordered some strange noodles with a half cooked egg and some sauce on it... it came with some fried meat, but I took it off, John said it was not so good... I have no idea what it was. On the right is whats left of a veggie side dish I got... some fried green stuff, kinda like
bok choi and it was pretty spicy. The noodles were good, but not knowing what was in them was a little creepy. This was an EXPENSIVE place to eat... but it totally didn't look like it... the brought food out for us to eat that we didn't even order and charged us for it... I wish my Japanese wasn't so bad. The coolest thing about it was you could order your food from a touch screen right at the table... I don't know why I didn't take a picture of that. We didn't have our camera so I had to use the camera in my phone.

Here is my yummy vegetarian meal from
Asiana Airlines on the way to Japan. I have to say I was pretty impressed. Non-veggies got similar stuff, but they had a noodle dish with some meat and a sweet sauce. I didn't get to sit next to John on this flight :( So I couldn't get a picture of his food. The four
quadrants of food are fruit,
Japanese veggies, regular cooked veggies and rice. The Japanese veggies were a little strange, the two orange things are yummy pumpkin, but the brown thing was really
watery, like water melon... I have no idea what it was. There was a little potato and some snap peas in there too.

Here's a closeup of the rice. It was sectioned of into three
rectangles for easy eating. I don't know what the yellow thing in the middle was, but I think it must be some kind of nut or bean... it kinda tasted like cheese, but this was a vegan meal so I know it cant be cheese. Notice how awesome the soy sauce
container is!!! I stole it!
hehe. it dispensed the soy sauce in little drops so you could control how much got on the rice really easily. As far as Airplane food goes this was quite good. WAY better than Korean Air (who wouldn't give me
vegetarian food!) and Continental... my
Favs are still Thai Air, Delta and United. Good veggie options.

This was our "Western" breakfast. Each morning we had a choice between western and Japanese breakfast. The Japanese breakfast came with a fish, some soup, rice, and side dishes... like
pickled vegetables... maybe something else too, but we never ordered it so I
don't really know. For the western breakfast each day the bread and meat and eggs and macaroni salad were a little different, but mostly the same. It was pretty good though... I wish it had
potatoes. The bread was actually REALLY good. Japanese bakers are way better than Korean bakers... and this was by no means a 5 star hotel... maybe 3 stars at best! The OJ was tang, and the macaroni salad was strange, but I was always hungry cause I never knew what to eat, so I ate mine and John's. He said the meat was strange so mine went to waste.
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