101 goal's September Update
So, its time for my first Monthly Assessment of my goals list. I have decided to take all of the blue and yellow items and comment on them. And, I am going to make a weekly to do list like my mom is doing (you should read her blog, she is doing much better at all this than me!) so I can tackle my yellow and black items better.
Be Healthy
63. Take my vitamins every day (I'm not very good at this)
I am terrible at this! Anytime I have to do anything on a daily basis that is optional I completely fail! This is where I'm hoping that weekly to do list my mom uses can help me. She says it takes 3 weeks to make something a habit... so by that logic if I check off "take vitamins" 21 times then it should become like second nature... I'm not so sure about that... I am such a skeptic, however, I am going to give it a go, she is doing really well with it, I need to try it out too!
66. Identify 100 things that make me happy (15/100)
So, I started this out and I was going to add 1-3 things a day until I was done, I figured I would have it finished by now... its not finished for a few reasons. First, I just forget about it all the time, except when I do my weekly check... Also, sometimes its really hard to come up with things that aren't superficial and stupid... I want quality items on this list. Also, I keep repeating myself, I think I had "clean sheets" on there twice for a while before I noticed it... I really like clean sheets!! :) Maybe I will make it a weekly chore to add things to the list, not a daily one...
67. Make a list of 50 things I like about myself (10/50)
Same problem as above... but, this list is 20% finished! Which is better than #66, so I think I'm doing ok here.
84. Do a standing bow pose like this and have the confidence to wear something like that when I do it!
Well, I am back at yoga... I went Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday (today) in the morning... and MAN is it crowded MWF! There were 18 people in that tiny room today! And I should point out, at max capacity the shower room only has space for like 12-14 people.... So I sit in the yoga room for like 10 min to let it clear out a bit in there, and its still crammed when I get in there! Anyway. On Friday I did terrible in Yoga class... a very humbling experience, I hated it :( Tuesday was better but I was still so weak. Today was much better. I was able to do all the poses without sitting down and I only had to regroup once when I was doing the standing bow pose on my right foot. I was also able to pull my foot up over my head. That used to be typical for me before vacation, but now I'm so outta shape. I have a feeling that in another week I will be back to my old self in there. My rabbit pose sucks! And that used to be my fav cause I did it so well... its really sad, my upper back is so inflexible... I don't know why.... and my shoulders too, its pretty bad, I have a lot of repairing to do there. But its on its way! :) This goal will take a long time, I know that, I think at least 6 months to a year, and that's if I do yoga at least 3-4 times a week... I paid for 6 times a week, so hopefully I will go that often.
Charity stuff
98. Lend $2,500 with Kiva ($300/$2,500)
Doing really well here, each month I have contributed $100 and since the money is getting repaid to me I have been able to reinvest $25 of my original loans to a new person. Each month I will be able to reinvest old money but I will continue to contribute new money until I reach my goal.
Learn new stuff
39. Learn to crochet (is it much different from knitting?)
My mom taught me how to crochet when I was in Rochester and I made a pink Blanket for John's niece. Its pretty cute and soft... I'm not very good at it, but I will get better. I wanna go buy some more yarn and make another blanket... hopefully I can make a cardigan someday too :) I like crocheting, its pretty fun and easy.
69. Learn to cook 10 new healthy meals that John and I both love (1/10)
I have learned one new meal that we like that I can cook here in Korea. Pasta with broccoli and corn in an oil and garlic sauce with a side of roasted potatoes. I was going to make garlic bread too, but I forgot... next time I will. Also, I just learned that E-Mart (Korea's Walmart) started to carry some vegetarian meats! I plan on going there soon to pick some up and try them out.
Learn how to be a girl
14. Buy 2 new pairs of shoes, that I can wear with skirts/dresses or pants (1/2)
I only bought one paid of shoes while in the USA... and I don't love them, but they were cheap.... I hope I can wear them to work... lets see what my manager says when she sees them. When I go back in Nov. I can buy more shoes
18. Buy a pumice stone and use it every time I shower
So I bought one, and I was using it, but now that I'm back at hot yoga, I shower after yoga class at the studio... I don't really wanna sit there and scrub my feet cells all over their floor... My mom showed me this new pedegg (I think that's the name) thing that she got and she says it works really well, so I think I will get one of those in November too.
32. Work out at least 3 outfits for every clothing item I own
I bought all new clothes this vacation and I have already worked out many combinations.... I will keep at it... I want to take pictures of all of the combinations and get feedback too :) Maybe this weekend I will put something up.
Do something new
42. Visit 30 new restaurants, write reviews here(2/30)
This is slow going.. John and I are creatures of habit, we go to the same restaurants over and over, and we don't really wanna go too far from home to eat... but I will try to plan something adventurous ... I wanna go to one new place each month, at least!
Save the planet
62. Keep a count of every plastic bag I use (29)
And still counting. I think... I'm not sure but its a guess that the act of counting is keeping me from getting a bag when I'm lazy, and its helping me to remember to bring my reusable bags with me. It puts the whole plastic v. reusable thing at the forefront of my mind, which is where I think everyone should keep it!
Finish it!!!
60. Complete at least 3 cross stitch projects (0/3)
Slow going, and there is no excuse for that since I have had nothing to do for the last week... All I've done is play video games (damn that new Spore game, its not even very fun!) I think I will make a deal, if I am watching TV, and not eating dinner at the same time, then I should take out the cross-stitch. Or, I could bring it into work for when students are absent... nah, I will use that time to study Korean and French.
Go Places
Nope... I went to a lot of places this vacation, but none from my list... this will have to take a while to get working on this category!
Organize my life
34. Keep less than 5 emails in my in-boxes each day. (I'm trying!)
Right now there are 9 new emails and several old ones in my inbox... I was doing well until I went to America and I got lazy... now I have no schedule so I am still lazy. Since I'm not sitting in front of a computer all day I really don't feel compelled to used one (except to play Spore) so I haven't been blogging or reading email or Facebook or anything like that... sigh, oh well, Next week I should start working, so it might get better.
Financial stuff
hmmm... why do I think this will be the last category to see any yellow?
Things I should buy
19. Get some nice yoga clothes... I want better ones next year though!
So, yeah, I got some shorts and sports bras and two tops... I really like one but the other one is only ok... Next year I am going to buy really nice ones though... or maybe even learn to make them when I have my sewing machine back. But for now I have two outfits, one that dries SUPER fast, so I am pretty happy to throw out my old stuff!
Personal enrichment
27. Write in a Journal every day for a month, three times (0/3)
I attempted this and quit after 3 days... why? I realised I was only journaling so I would have someone aside from John to bitch to... and after three days of bitching I really got tired of it... So I think I need a new reason to journal... any ideas? (Maybe this should go back to black, I dunno)
99. read 25 books post reviews here (2/25)
I am such a slow reader... I think I will put something about this on my weekly to do list... I literally buy books faster than I read them... very unhealthy!
List stuff
31. Write monthly updates of 101 progress (1/33)
Well, this is the first one, so I guess all is well so far
40. Read this whole list at least once a week (4[9/9])
I think I am reading it about every other week, but with the weekly to do list I think that will change... however, I am afraid I will put too much stuff on that list and then be doomed to fail!!
So, there it is, update #1... see ya next month, feel free to comment :)
you learned how to crochet! i'm jealous. i wanna learn how to do that too. when you come in nov will you be stopping in the city again? if you do please please let me know so we can meet up. maybe even try a new restaurant :)? i don't know if it only pertains to being in korea, but i'm guessing not since you just got back there. well me know. miss you and love ya! ps-what's your mom's blog?
never mind i found her blog...duh!
Oops ...I guess delete really means delete!!
I love your monthly assessment ...it's a wonderful idea and great way to keep track of your progress.
You've made quite a bit of progress, esp since you were on vacation for the last month. Imagine what you'll be able to accomplish this month.
Not only did you learn to crochet, but you finished your first project! How impressive!! I forgot to ask if you took a picture of it??
Check this site out ..it explains how we create habits.
Good luck honey, you are doing a great job!! Best of all you inspired me to do the same ...thank you!!
I love you!!
Love Mom
mom you so cute! I love you!
I wont be in the city in November :( sawee.
Oh my gosh, I am exhausted after reading that! It has inspired me to get moving on my own list which has not gotten any further than just thoughts in my head. You also inspired me to crotchet a blanket for Silas! Aunt Susan showed me how to crotchet when I like, seven years old so I am thinking I am going to need one a refresher! Miss you and love you!
you should ask my mom to teach to you to crochet, she is a great teacher :) Let me know where you post your list when you finish it :)
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