Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Sunny Side of Today

So, two great things happened today. The first one was a complete surprise :) A few months after I got to Korea I started to notice this adorable little yellow kitten hanging around my neighborhood. He was so tiny and had a large brave voice. Every time you would walk by him, even if you didn't look at him, he would let out the loudest meow he could muster up. And if you tried to walk over to him he would run and hide. I got to pet him once, on the paw, when he was eating some food I brought to him. He was getting pretty fat cause everyone was feeding him :) Since Korean people typically don't like cats, especially loud ones I was really happy to see that the people in my neighborhood looked kindly toward him. Well, the last few months were really cold and in the beginning of December I stopped seeing him. Of course I feared the worst, but hoped someone had taken him in. But there is no way to tell with street cats. Well as luck would have it, I was walking home on my break today and I heard a familiar sound :) His meow is a little more cat and less kitten sounding now, but I still recognized it. He is much bigger now, and has some nasty scars on his face :( but he is still hanging in there. It really made my day much brighter when I saw him... hehe and then he ran away, but thats ok, he is a totally wild cat... I just wish I could catch him and find a home for him. At the very least I would like to get him fixed... I am going to look into doing that this week... baby season is starting this month!

The other wonderful thing that happened today is I took my first Bikram Yoga class, also know as Hot Yoga. If you haven't heard of it you should "google" (hehe, google as a verb is not in the dictionary yet, so its not an official word as far as Firefox is concerned!) it. Anyway, if you don't feel like it I will tell you a little about it. It is called Hot Yoga because it is done in a room at 40C or 105F and 60% humidity. Its done this way to warm up your body really throughly so you can stretch really well and not get injured. I worked out really hard today, but my muscles are only a little sore... which proves the importance of warming up adequately. Its called Bikram (Beak Rum) because it was made by a guy who is named Bikram... and he is a little insane... which I am sure you could guess. Well the class is 90 min and there are 26 poses... you do them each twice and on each side of the body (where applicable) It doesnt sound like a really difficult workout, but it is challenging for everyone and at the same time total exercise beginners can participate. I think if you are in bad shape though you will spend most of the class sitting down getting used to the heat and just do the really easy poses, but as time goes on you can try the harder ones and eventually do the whole class. Now I am in ok shape... not great, but better than couch potato! I was not able to do all the poses, and I sat down several times. The instructor works really hard to motivate you to keep going so I kept going... after the class I felt dizzy and at one point I felt like I was going to puke, but it passed... hehe, I told the people who work there that I felt like I just drank soju (which is Korean vodka... alcohol makes me dizzy and tired!) So I took a shower, and I walked to work (in the freezing cold) and I swear I kept sweating for almost another hour! And I was dizzy for about 3 more hours! I didn't eat much today, but I drank like a camel (water) so I think that helped me get through it. Anyway, it costs $120 a month for unlimited classes, I am going back tomorrow. I felt pretty happy cause the instructor didn't believe it was my first time to do this :) He said I did well, and not to worry about being dizzy, that its normal and he had to sit down in his first class too!

Anyway, I really am tired, and my laundry will be done in a min, so I will have to hang it up. I have to write about Beijing! I need more free time! hehe, actually I just need a schedule... maybe I will do a small load of laundry and a blog at night after work, this feels good now! Ok well I love you all and comment and let me know what you are thinking. I miss you, come visit me :)


Pam said...

That sounds very cool. I am waiting to hear all about your trip and see the pictures.

I miss you, come visit me :)

Amanda said...

Hey, I already I have plan to visit you in August!