I'm just trying to get up to date with the photos I take... I keep wanting to blog about the new ones, but haven't done the old pics yet... so here they are!

In case you can't read and want to know where the cleaning lady keeps her stuff... I thought this was great cause what if the place wanted to hire a cleaning man? Is that not allowed? Or do the cleaning men have their own room?

This small TV was inside a bathroom stall at a movie theater. They were showing little silent commercials for what food to buy and some other stuff I couldn't figure out... very strange... There are TVs of all sizes all over this country... talk about addicted to media!

Wellbeing Code, Have a drink of Vinegar!"
Wellbeing is the Korean way to say "healthy" they are often shocked to learn that its not an English word. Drinking vinegar was a fad last year... something about it helping you to lose weight... I don't know if it actually worked... I did try one or two of the drinks, it wasn't so bad... but not as tasty as juice!

I just liked this sink cause it had the hand dryer right next to it. It kinda blew the air up into your face, which
wasnt so cool, but it was all automatic... so modern!

And here is a pic of one of those infamous "squatters"
thats what we foreigners call the traditional
Asian toilet. It kinda looks like a urinal turned on its side huh? You would straddle it facing to the right and squat down as far as you can go and pee or poop into it... the toilet paper roll (if there is one, and sometimes there
isnt) is really low to the ground so you can reach it easily. This is supposed to be the more natural way to poop and allow for more proper
elimination... I tried it a couple of times (only for number one though!) and its not so bad, however, my first experience with this kind of toilet left me with a wet belt that needed to be washed
thoroughly.!!! (
I think we need "squatters" here. I can't remember the last time I went to a public restroom and found a dry seat on my first try. I guess females don't aim any better then men ...but then again we really can't see where we're aiming!!
I just want to point out that while there is no wet seat on the squatters, there is a rather wet floor in most places, still kinda nasty
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