Tuesday, April 01, 2008

YAY! Absence!

So I have a student who is absent (who totally said she would be here when I called, but called back and said she wouldn't!) anyway... I have decided to write in my blog every day.... APRIL FOOLS! Hehe... this way if I succeed or fail it doesn't matter :)

Anyway, I am quite happy today. I got to see two friends who I haven't seen in a while and we had lunch, then I hung out with my sweetie for a bit and then off to yoga. I also had one of my nicest students come back from a two month break today and he got into med school in the USA! YAY! So its all good :)

I didn't do well in yoga today and I had an egg mcmuffin meal and a HUGE plate of bibimbap. Here is a pic (not mine) of bibimbap when it comes out. Its rice with vegetables and a fried egg. Really yummy. There is also a spicy sauce called gochujang in it. They tend to put too much for me so I remove some before mixing.
And after to mix the bibimbap it looks like this... yummy Korean mushrooms! I have never really liked mushrooms in the states, but they have two kinds of mushrooms here that I really like, and fortuatly they are really common! I will have to find a Korean supermarket in America when I move back.

Anyway, I was saying all this cause I wanted to point out the fact that I am eating pretty well AND losing weight! woo hoo! In the summer of 2006 I weighed almost 165lbs. I couldn't fit into a lot of my clothes and I started buying pants the next size up. Since I came to Korea a lot of my habits have changed. I walk everywhere (no car) I dont eat much cheese or bread (they arnt very good in Korea and not common) and I have been exercising 3-4 times a week. Well I am happy to announce that even after eating two big meals (one that is TOTALLY not healthy!) I weighed in at 143 lbs today!!! WOO HOO! When I went to college I weighed about 138-140 depending on the day. And I haven't grown an inch since then. So, the way I see it, I should get back to my previous weight. It took me about 7-8 years to put the lbs on and in almost 2 years I have taken them off! I think thats pretty good. I have learned a lot of good habits since I moved here, and I hope to keep them up.

I have to say that Hot Yoga has really helped accelerate my weight loss... I was averaging about 1 lb a month (which isn't bad for long term weight loss) and on top of that my knees (which I really messed up 3 years ago) feel SO much better! And I have more flexibility :)

Anyway, the moral of this story is... do yoga... preferably in a hot room! :) for 90 min

Love ya all!

1 comment:

kyl429 said...

good for you! i'm so happy for you. keep up with all the good new lifestyle changes that you've acquired. can't wait for you to come back! guess what....i'm gonna be an aunt in october!!!