Because I am lazy, unmotivated, intimidated by change and too accepting of any less than favorable situation I tend to find myself in.
My evaluation at work was as follows:
Strengths: easy going
Weaknesses: easy going
That about sums it up.
I know what I have to do... I know what the problem is... I gave myself too much wiggle room, and no real consequences.
What I need to do is say, if I don't finish this thesis in three weeks, I'm giving away my skates.
But the question is... can I do that? Yes, of course I can finish this thesis in three weeks... hell, I could probably finish it in one week... but, can I give away my skates when (I wish I could say "if" but I think "when" is the more realistic choice here) I fail again?
I don't think I can... sigh... I want to cry now, but I won't... crying is a waste of my time, as is writing in this blog, and facebook, and email, and TV, and complaining, and planning, and thinking... I need to DO...
Tomorrow is another day.
What am I going to do with it?
You haven't failed, Amanda. You just need a better schedule. Not a long term goal, but a daily goal. You have to sit down every day and work, inasmuchas it's possible. There's always an excuse to put it off or something you'd rather be doing, but you have to make the paper your priority and do that FIRST.
I know you know this. Now, do the know.
Come om Amanda, Welcome to the human race, the things that make up the YOU are both positive and negative...You will get the thesis done and when you do you will wonder why it took you so long...In the long run 10 yrs from now this will not even seem like a bump in the road..Love Ya, Uncle Tommy..
To fail means that you have given up and it doesn't sound like you've given up.
I believe that most challenges in our lives are opportunities to learn ...as long as you are learning in this process you are not failing.
I like the advice Elexina gave you ...do the know.
And, Uncle Tommy is right ...once you are finished with this you'll wonder why it took so long.
My advice ...stop trying to bribe yourself ...believe in you and look forward to the lightness and feeling of accomplishment you will receive when this paper is done.
I love you kiddo!
Love Mom
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