Monday, March 07, 2011

Week one starts now!

Well, I am nervous. I have become so accustomed to failure when it comes to writing this thesis that the idea of another attempt is kinda terrifying. I really don't want to fail again. And I know that it is up to me to make this happen.

Sunday's efforts:
Today I mapped out my first week... I still have some fine tuning to do. It only has 7 hours of paper writing, but I figure that's better than all the nothing I've been doing for the last month and a half.

Monday's plan:
Monday is the busiest day of the week for me. I get home from work at about 4PM, then I have derby from 6-8PM. I need to eat as soon as I get home. I already made my meal for tomorrow, so it will take me almost no time to eat. I hope to work on my paper from 4:30 to 5:30 and also from 9-10 tomorrow. ...

Time Plan:
7:30-4PM transit and work
4-4:30 eat
4:30-5:30 Paper
5:30-8:45 get ready for derby, derby, shower, relax
9-10 Paper
10-11:15 email, facebook, read, relax
11:15PM-6:30AM sleep


Jason said...

That's a very packed schedule, but what happens between 8:45pm and 9pm?

Amanda said...

I breathe.